Fast Forword Language Basics
Designed for young children, four to six years old, it builds the basic skills necessary for language and reading development and prepares them for Fast ForWord Language. The product is also useful for students with learning difficulties, including children on the autistic spectrum who have benefited from its systematic approach to developing learning skills
Through the use of our patented technology this program improves:
- Sound sequencing skills
- Fine motor skills
- Hand-eye coordination
- Pattern recognition
- Colour/Shape identification
- Improved thinking and focus skills
- Better visual attention and organization
- Solid foundation for reading instruction
Learning Maps
Fast ForWord is a life-changing intervention that produces a lasting effect on learning by developing and strengthening the essential cognitive skills.
Examples in Fast ForWord Language include:
Examples in Fast ForWord Language include:
- MEMORY Improves the ability to retain information both short and long term
- ATTENTION Enhances the ability to sustain focus on multiple tasks and ignore distractions
- PROCESSING Allows you to analyze images and distinguish sounds quickly enough to discriminate their differences
- SEQUENCING Places information in a logical order which allows for improved memory, attention and processing