Fast Forword Language Basics

Designed for young children, four to six years old, it builds the basic skills necessary for language and reading development and prepares them for Fast ForWord Language. The product is also useful for students with learning difficulties, including children on the autistic spectrum who have benefited from its systematic approach to developing learning skills. More on Fast Forword Language Basics.
Fast FoWord Language

Fast ForWord Language maps the brain to improve the fundamental cognitive skills of memory, attention, processing, and sequencing, while simultaneously improving reading and learning skills. It assists teachers to implement the essential first steps in developing these critically important prerequisites for successful reading. Fast ForWord Language is part of the products suitable for primary school children. More on Fast Forword Language.
Fast ForWord Language to Reading

It builds on the cognitive and language skills addressed in Fast ForWord Language. It continues to improve the key cognitive skills (Learning MAPs) through exercises focused on sound-letter comprehension, phonological awareness, beginning word recognition and English language conventions. More on Fast Forword Language to Reading.
Fast Forword to Literacy
Fast Forword to Literacy builds cognitive, language, and literacy skills for the adolescent student. Based on neuroscience research, Fast ForWord to Literacy creates an intervention like no other, which gets to the underlying foundational issues that challenge the struggling reader. More on Fast Forword to Literacy.
Fast Forword to Literacy Advanced

Fast ForWord to Literacy Advanced is a neuroscience based literacy product specifically developed for secondary and young adult education. A s the companion to Fast ForWord to Literacy, it continues building a strong foundation of fundamental cognitive skills in the context of language and reading skills including: advanced listening accuracy, advanced auditory sequencing, listening comprehension, word analysis, language, vocabulary, phonological memory and sustained attention. More on Fast Forword to Literacy Advanced.
Fast Forword Reading Prep

Fast ForWord to Reading Prep software is a computer-based series of exercises that builds pre-reading skills, with a focus on phonemic awareness, phonological awareness and the alphabetic principle. More on Fast Forword Reading Prep.
Fast Forword to Reading 1

Fast ForWord to Reading 1 software is a computer-based series of exercises that builds critical early reading skills, with a focus on phonemic awareness, early decoding skills, appreciation of print, and motivation for reading. More on Fast Forword to Reading 1.
Fast Forword to Reading 2

Fast ForWord to Reading 2 software is a computer-based series of exercises that consolidates early reading skills with a focus on applying phonics and decoding strategies. More on Fast Forword to Reading 2.
Fast Forword to Reading 3

Fast ForWord to Reading 3 software is a computer-based series of exercises that builds reading knowledge and fluency. With a focus on recognizing word sounds, word forms, and spelling conventions this product develops basic vocabulary and comprehension skills. More on Fast Forword to Reading 3.
Fast Forword to Reading 4

Fast ForWord to Reading 4 software is a computer-based series of exercises that expands reading skills with a focus on applying knowledge of word origins, word forms, sentence structures, and punctuation rules to improve comprehension. It continues the development of cognitive skills but presented in the context of reading. More on Fast Forword to Reading 4.
Fast Forword to Reading 5

ast ForWord to Reading 5 software is a computer-based series of exercises that focuses on advanced reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. It is appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle and high school, and is designed to exercise the skills identified in the literacy and language arts content standards for 5th grade. More on Fast Forword to Reading 5.F
Scientific Learning Reading Assistant
Students listen to a model fluent reading of the passage, preview vocabulary, and read the passage orally. After reading, students, review problematic words they did not understand, and playback their reading. More on Fast Forword Reading Assistant.
Progress Tracker: Individual and Continual Monitoring of Each Student
Progress Tracker provides clear action-oriented information on participant, class or group performance.
These tracking tools allows a profile to be made of each student's strengths and weaknesses and ensure on-going monitoring of progress. These tools to prioritise areas of need and use their own time effectively and efficiently.
Combined with observations, this tool ensures that the student is getting the comprehensive and systematic learning experience required to develop the cognitive and language skills necessary for reading effectively. More on Progress Tracker.
These tracking tools allows a profile to be made of each student's strengths and weaknesses and ensure on-going monitoring of progress. These tools to prioritise areas of need and use their own time effectively and efficiently.
Combined with observations, this tool ensures that the student is getting the comprehensive and systematic learning experience required to develop the cognitive and language skills necessary for reading effectively. More on Progress Tracker.