The Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes®include two primary programs: Lindamood-Bell Phoneme Sequencing® (LiPS®), and Lindamood-Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking®(Visualizing and Verbalizing® or V/V®).
A primary cause of language comprehension problems is difficulty creating an imaged gestalt-a whole. This is called weak concept imagery. This weakness causes individuals to only get "parts" such as a few facts or details rather than the whole picture.
Individuals with weak concept imagery have difficulty with reading comprehension, critical thinking, and may not easily follow directions or connect to conversations. They may also have difficulty expressing ideas in an organized manner. If they read well, but are severely unable to comprehend they may be labeled hyperlexic or high-functioning autistic, including Asperger's.
Individuals of all ages may experience the symptoms of an undiagnosed and untreated concept imagery dysfunction. This causes:
Reading Comprehension - They have to reread material several times and often remember only a few details, rather than the "whole."
Oral Language Expression - They may seem shy and have difficulty organizing their language...or they may be talkative but scattered, relating information out of sequence.
Oral Language Comprehension - They connect to only part of a conversation and have difficulty responding relevantly and thinking logically. They may ask and re-ask the same question and are labeled "poor listener."
Written Language Skills - Their writing is often described as unorganized and nonspecific.
The Lindamood-Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking® (V/V®) successfully stimulates concept imagery. Individuals become able to image gestalts which include color, and even movement. This improves their language comprehension, reasoning for critical thinking, and expressive language skills.
Using the Lindamood-Bell program, it is common for individuals to gain years in language comprehension in four weeks of intensive instruction.