When should you be concerned?
All the research shows that the sooner the warning signs of a reading and language-based disorder are identified, the easier it is to address.
Below is a list of warning signs which will give you an idea of the signs of a problem in children from the earliest ages. These warning signs are of concern especially if your child is bright and excelling in other areas.
Below is a list of warning signs which will give you an idea of the signs of a problem in children from the earliest ages. These warning signs are of concern especially if your child is bright and excelling in other areas.
- Frequent ear infections.
- Didn’t crawl much.
- Confuses left/right, up/down.
- Difficulty learning the alphabet.
- Late talker.
- Mixes up long words/rhymes.
- Enjoys being read to, but does not want to read.
- Dyslexia in the family.
Primary School
- Slow, difficult to read handwriting.
- Reverses letters and numbers.
- Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading/ poor comprehension.
- Guesses at words, skips or misreads words.
- Difficulty sounding out new words and remembering words.
- Problems copying from the board and taking notes.
High School
- Poor vocabularyand poorly written work.
- Verbal skills better than written skills.
- Poor grades.
- Wants to leave school.