Results - Young Adults
Students in Dallas, TX, USA attending an alternative high school designed for students who had left the school system but wished to return to earn their GED credentials or diplomas improved two and one-half grade levels in reading performance after Fast ForWord participation.
Improved Reading Skills
Student reading ability was assessed with the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) before and after students used the Fast ForWord programs.
The TABE is a norm-referenced test designed to measure achievement of basic skills commonly found in adult basic education curricula. Skill areas measured include reading, language, mathematics and spelling.
The faculty in the Dallas Independent School District were interested in evaluating the effectiveness of using Fast ForWord programs for improving their curriculum and instruction for students.
The implementation process began with educators receiving preliminary training in a number of areas, including:
The implementation process began with educators receiving preliminary training in a number of areas, including:
- methods for assessing candidates for participation;
- selection of appropriate standardised language measures for testing and evaluation;
- effective implementation techniques;
- proper administration of the products and effective methods for monitoring student progress
Scientific Learning Corporation. (2005). Struggling readers in Dallas ISD gain 2.5 grade levels.
Data provided by the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas; school personnel were responsible for administering all tests and collecting all scores.
Data provided by the Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, Texas; school personnel were responsible for administering all tests and collecting all scores.